Airline industry and HRM

Airline Industry : 

The main focus of the Airline industry is to service in air transportation of passenger .This plays a dominant role in inter-regional movement of tourist and individuals. The airline industry and aviation industry seems pretty similar but the airline industry relates to the airline companies which provide air transportation services while aviation industry comprises of all the business related to aviation.

The tourism industry is directly pegged with the airline industry, so the growth of air traffic has a positive impact on international tourism. The competitive air fares and attractive tour packages attracts more and more tourist aids in expanding both industries The main sources of income for the airline industry is from air ticket sales, baggage fees, ancillary services, frequent flyer programs, cargo and mail transportation, codeshare agreements, aircraft leasing, inflight retail and charter flights.

When discussing about volatile industries Airline industry is one of the most volatile industries in the world. This is due to constant changes in the industry is effected by internal and external factors such as fuel prices, bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions and geopolitical risks like terrorism, natural disasters, and pandemics which drops demand for air operations. The most significant geopolitical  impact to the industry was the COVID-19 pandemic where many airlines has to cut down routes, reduce workforce and even led to bankruptcy due to decline in demand.

The HRM of the airline industry has the challenge of staffing for this ever changing need.

Human Resource Management :
Human resource management simply known as HR is the management of human resources is a function in the organization designed to maximize performance of the employees to achieve the organizational goals. The HR managers has the ability to cover all the  aspect of the business, this makes HRM an significant part of the management in the airline industry. Human resource management is the functional  unit for hiring, motivating and maintaining workforce in an organization while dealing issues  related to training, development, compensation, compensation and administration. HRM ensures the employee and the maximum contribution toward the organization objectives.

Human resource management can be classified into two as Managerial and operating functions.

Managerial functions of HRM 

Planning - Planning is the first function of HRM by which determines the number and the type of employees required in accomplishing the organizational goals.

Organizing - Is the process of assigning organizational task to the positions and segregated  towards a the common objective.  

Directing - Implementing proper strategies based on the employee motivation and direct them to the achievement of goals willingly. This skill can developed upon receiving a proper training. 

Controlling -  After comparing with the organizations objectives, the actual performance of the employees is measured. This step includes appraisal, personal audit, and examination of personal records.   

Operative functions of HRM

Hiring Talent - This is the process which the best fit candidates who can achieve the organizational goals are hired. After all the formalities are completed employees  are introduced to the  company policies, principles and working culture.                                                       

Training and Development - Training and Developments programs are organized for new and existing employees to be track on the teams requirement.    

Employee Retention - HR team ensures that the employees stay productive and shows high performance. They work to create a happy work culture for the employees.           

Feedback and Performance Appraisal - Analyzing the productivity and work efficiency and proving a feedback flow from the managers.            

Provide Actionable Insights - Provide insights on important metric on employee engagements. Statistical information's such as  performance data, employee benefits, their skills, claims, company turnover will help in achieving the organizational goals.


Martijn Barten. (2024). Airline Industry: All You Need to Know About The Airline Sector. [Online]. refine. Last Updated: 07 Mar 2024. Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2024].

Amit Rana. (2023). What makes airlines such a difficult industry for investors. [Online]. linkedin. Last Updated: February 28, 2023. Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2024].

Techjockey Team. (2024). 10 Major Functions of HRM (Operative and Managerial) in 2024. [Online]. techjockey. Last Updated: 09 jan 2024. Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2024].



  1. The COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to the airline industry, impacting every aspect of operations, including human resource management. Focus on flexibility, adaptability, and employee engagement will be crucial in rebuilding and strengthening the workforce while ensuring resilience in the face of future disruptions.

    1. Hi Arundathi, The pandemic struck hard to all the aspects of the industry resulting employee reductions. Its crucial that the airlines retain its talented individuals by providing a suitable environment.

  2. In my view unpredictable nature of the airline sector, HRM might increasingly depend on a flexible workforce, encompassing temporary, seasonal, or contractual staff, to swiftly adjust staffing levels in response to fluctuating demand.

  3. In my view unpredictable nature of the airline sector, HRM might increasingly depend on a flexible workforce, encompassing temporary, seasonal, or contractual staff, to swiftly adjust staffing levels in response to fluctuating demand.

    1. Agree. However, effective management of temporary staff is crucial to maintain operational efficiency and uphold safety standards.

  4. Agree, One of the strongest components of the airline is its human resource management practices, considered among the best practices in recruitment, selection, training and promotions systems.

    1. Hi Sagayam, Thank you for your valuable comment.

  5. One of the strongest components of the airline is its human resource management practices, considered among the best practices in recruitment, selection, training and promotions systems.

  6. The pursuit of a healthy work-life balance, professional advancement, and environmental responsibility may be more important to younger generations than high income alone. It is necessary for airlines to modify their work culture and the services they provide in order to accommodate these demands.

    1. Keep tuned. You will find more insight to this.

  7. The airline business poses distinct HRM issues because of its workforce's diversity and dynamic nature. It is critical to oversee personnel scheduling, training, and safety requirements. HRM is also essential for managing customer-facing positions and boosting employee morale. In this fast-paced sector, striking a balance between operational needs and employee well-being is essential for success.

  8. Thanks sharing this informative article about the airline industry and human resource management (HRM). It's evident that HRM plays a vital role in managing the workforce within the airline industry, especially considering its ever-changing nature.

    Overall, your article sheds light on the importance of effective HRM practices in the airline industry.

    1. I am glad that it was informative to you. Thank you for your feedback.

  9. Nice Article. In the ever-changing aviation sector, efficient human resource management is essential to maintaining operational effectiveness, customer happiness, and safety. Proactive employee engagement activities, strong training programs, and smart talent management are necessary. Please refer to attached link for you to gather more information

  10. This is an excellent explanation of HRM in the aviation sector! I am interested in understanding how HR may modify its strategies to align with the dynamic nature of the firm. As an example, the article discusses the need of preparing for the requirements of personnel.

    With the fluctuation in demand and the possible effect of automation on certain job positions, what strategies can HR use to create a workforce that is versatile and flexible in the face of future changes? Furthermore, the role specifically emphasises traditional HR responsibilities. Do you believe that HR's involvement in areas like as data analysis to discover workforce trends and support strategic decision-making is becoming more important?

  11. Overall, this blog emphasizes the importance of HR in creating a positive work environment, fostering employee growth, and driving organizational success through data-driven insights and initiatives.

  12. The following viewpoints address human resource management (HRM) in the aviation sector:

    The Strategic Approach and the Welfare of Employees:
    According to the HRM literature, the airline sector places a high priority on health and safety.
    Due of their tremendous competition, airlines frequently take a short-term, cost-rational approach to human resource management.
    Strategies that emphasize profit over the health and safety of employees may be implemented in an effort to lower operational expenses and achieve temporary productivity gains1.

    Finding a balance between employee well-being and revenue requires responsible HRM strategies.
    Recruitment and Selection: Extensive background checks on candidates are part of HRM in the aviation industry.
    Hiring flight crews, airline employees, and new hiring are essential tasks.
    Following laws and guidelines is essential to preserving efficiency and safety2.

    Strategic Development and Adaptability: HRM knowledge is essential, particularly with regard to hiring, diversity, and equal opportunity.
    It takes a customer-focused, learning-oriented workforce to react swiftly to industry changes and strategic goals.3.
    In conclusion, HRM is critical to striking a balance between worker welfare, safety, and operational effectiveness in the airline sector. 😫✨

    1. Thank you Dilhara for sharing these valuable information. I totally agree with you.

  13. HRM is considered an integral part of business operations, and so there is a need for the management to devise a structured HRM program. Since this aviation sector provides its clients with a pleasurable and convenient mode of transportation, its workforce is critical. Although the aviation industry’s workforce has experienced various challenges as a result of economic swings, it is the presence of a strong labor union framework in the airline segment that has kept employees from being exploited by airline businesses and their management.

    1. I agree with you partly Kovida. There some non unionized airlines which values the employee wellbeing equally or more than unionized airlines. Delta Airlines, Emirates , Qatar airways are some good examples for it.

  14. Loved how you unpacked the airline industry and HRM's role in it! It’s impressive how you've connected the dots between global events and team management. Really insightful and super engaging. Great job!

    1. Thank you Ramesh. Nice to see that you have enjoyed my article.

  15. Well written Shedric. You effectively have given an outline of the aviation industry's focus on air travel and revenue sources, and we see an outline on how volatile it can become due to issues like fuel price hikes and geopolitical risks. Like you mentioned, the COVID19 was a classic example on how susceptible the aviation industry became when there was a downturn in demand and how badly it impacted the workforce management. You have covered a lot of areas of HRM functions and explained them well.


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